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July 27, 2022Supporting Teachers When They Need It Most
August 24, 2022August. It’s probably one of the toughest months of the year for teachers. Some teachers are setting up for the new school year. Others are attending professional development and training. Still, others are already into the first few weeks of school. Regardless of where you are in the back-to-school process, you may need some motivation. We’ve pulled together some of our favorite blog posts about starting the new school year off well. Hopefully, you’ll find some inspiration, tips, and strategies to make the transition back to school a little easier.
-Dr. Corey Hall, Director of Curriculum Solutions
Blogs about Decorating Your Classroom
Six Ideas to Decorate a Classroom. Teacher-blogger Miss Jacobs shares her ideas for setting up her classroom for the beginning of the year. She blends practicality and design in a way that feels doable and realistic. We love her idea of creating a year-long theme you can update and refresh easily.
Image courtesy of missjacobslittlelearners.
14 Stunning Classroom Decorating Ideas to Make Your Classroom Sparkle. TeachJunkie is a great blog to follow for all kinds of teaching tips, but this post is particularly helpful. Bulletin boards, Ikea hacks, and reading corners are just a few of the topics you’ll find.
Blogs about First Day Activities
First Day Back to School Activities: First Day Back Stations. The 10-Minute Teacher Podcast should definitely be on your listening list, but Vicki Davis’ Cool Cat Teacher blog is just as good as her podcast. In this post, she shares how station rotations take center stage for her first-day lesson plans.
Five Cooperative Learning Activities To Do on the First Day of School. Fun get-to-know-you activities and icebreakers are the focus of this blog post. Jessica from WhatIHaveLearnedTeaching shares some great ideas for making the first day memorable and fun for your students.
Blogs about Motivation
Motivation for a Teacher. Kayla from Bright in the Middle shares some simple things you can do right now to make going back to school a little less traumatic.
Let’s Talk Teacher Motivation! Suzanne from Education to the Core gets real about the changes in her classroom since COVID. She interviews other teachers about what keeps them motivated when things get tough.
Blogs about Technology
Free Technology 4 Teachers. Richard Byrne is a long-time favorite of teachers looking to better integrate technology. His entire blog is amazing, but this particular post highlights changes and updates to popular technologies that are of interest to teachers.
Free PD to Start the Year. We highlight some of the best and coolest ways to get in some last minute professional development, especially around technology.
Blogs about Enjoying the Last Days of Summer
What It’s Like to Be a Teacher at the End of Summer. It’s not like you need to be told what you are going through, but now you know you’re normal!
Teacher Summer Bucket List. If you are lucky enough to have a few weeks left, check out Hannah’s summer bucket list. She shares some fun, easy, and free ideas to do in the final days before the school year.
We at STEM Education Works wish you the very best as you start a new school year. Don’t forget to sign up for our blog for teaching tips and strategies. We also have new free resources released regularly. We’ll see you next month!