Build Smart EV Micro-Kart Kit Classroom Package - STEM Education Works
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Build Smart EV Micro-Kart Kit Classroom Package


Smaller quantities, refill kits, and individual kits available by contacting us. Renew your curriculum access here.

This package gives you all the supplies and the curriculum you need for 30 students and 1 instructor in the Build Smart EV Micro-Kart Course. The classroom package includes 30 EV Micro-Kart Kits, 30 micro:bit v2s, one EV Micro-Kart Course Supplies Pack, and one instructor license for the EV Micro-Kart Course curriculum

The EV Micro-Kart Course is made for high school students to learn mechanical engineering, coding and circuits. Students experience the Engineering Design Process as they design and 3D-print their own kart chassis and toppers. (Students also have the option to construct their chassis out of thin cardboard if a 3D printer is not available). Students will outfit their karts with headlights, taillights, and a variable-speed motor, using a breadboard to create circuits and using a micro:bit to code and control the actions of these systems. Finally, students use the micro:bit to analyze the performance of their karts via data collection and visualization.

Along the way, students consider the important factors involved in constructing an EV kart and preparing for a big race, exploring subjects like:

  • 3D modeling
  • Engineering tolerances
  • Power transmission and consumption
  • Braking and steering systems
  • Pulley ratios
  • 30 Build Smart EV Micro-Kart Kits
  • 30 micro:bit v2s
  • 1 EV Micro-Kart Course Supplies Pack
  • 1 Build Smart EV Micro-Kart Course curriculum - Instructor License
Register for our next webinar! Kickstart Your STEM Program - 9/23/24
Register for our next webinar! Kickstart Your STEM Program - 9/23/24