How to Pick the Right 3D Printer for Your Classroom or Library
November 9, 2022How 3D Printing & GPS Are Improving the 2022 World Cup
November 23, 2022November 8th was National STEM Day. This month we’ll highlight ways to celebrate STEM each and every day! Science, technology, engineering, and math are the fastest growing subject matters and develop the most sought out skills in the world. Even people who don’t find a career in STEM generally end up making more money with a STEM degree than those with other degrees. Whether you’re a STEM enthusiast or just getting your feet wet in the STEM world, we have resources for you!
Our Latest Blog Posts
- How to Pick the Right 3D Printer for Your Classroom or Library
- Choosing STEM Professional Development Training
- A Byte of Computer Science: Interview With Geoffrey Lentner
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Free STEM Resources You’ll Love
There are so many free STEM resources available through organizations we have mentioned in previous newsletters, like NASA or even STEM Education Works’ own free lessons! Here are even more to keep your classroom engaging and exciting:
- Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education – K-12 Lesson Plans and other classroom resources
- Science Buddies – 100+ K-12 free lessons and resources
- Space Foundation’s Discovery Center – K-5 lesson plans with a Snoopy theme!
- Nasco Education – K-12 Lesson Plans, including lessons for all levels
- PBS Learning Media – Thousands of videos, plus free lessons for your classroom
STEM Books for Your Classroom
- Math Curse by Jon Scieszka (Author) & Lane Smith (Author)
- If I Built a Car by Chris Van Dusen
- Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women by Catherine Thimmesh (Author) & Melissa Sweet (Illustrator)
- The Great Stink: How Joseph Bazalgette Solved London’s Poop Pollution Problem by Colleen Paeff (Author) & Nancy Carpenter (Illustrator)
- Emmet’s Storm by Ann Rubino
Gifts for the Holidays or for the Classroom!
Brown Dog Gadgets Sewing Circuits are a great way to integrate STEM into fun activities. Make your own LED keychain, or use the conductive thread to light up any existing project or item!
Upcoming Events
We are currently in Indianapolis, IN for the Hoosier Educational Computer Coordinators (HECC) Conference. We are continuing to man booth 158 today and tomorrow. Today (11/10) Dr. Jake Roark will be leading a workshop at 1:30 using Horizon Educational technologies to show how to implement renewable energy education in the classroom. Come visit us if you haven’t already!
ACTE’s CareerTech VISION is in Las Vegas, NV this year. Christine and Corey will be there from November 30 to December 3 in booth 407. Over 4,000 secondary and postsecondary career and technical educators, business leaders, and career professionals will be in attendance. Stop by and see us at the booth! Register here.
Our last conference of the year will be December 5-7 in Wisconsin for the School Leaders Advancing Technology in Education (SLATE) Conference. Come to booth 312 to spend some time with Brad! Register here.
STEM Champions to Follow
- Twitter: Dave Burgess – Educator, host of the #DaveBurgessShow podcast, keynote speaker, publisher, president of @dbc_inc & NYT Best Selling author of Teach Like a PIRATE #tlap
- Instagram: Women Doing Science – Supporting International Women in STEM
- Twitter: Nicholas Provenzano – Makerspace Director @uniliggett / Author / ISTE Teacher of the Year / PD Provider/ Nerd